Tuesday, September 16, 2008


-Acronym for eXtensible Markup Language, a condensed form of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). XML let Web developer designers create customized tags that offer greater flexibility in organizing and presenting information. The XML specification was published in drafts form by a working group at the World Wide Web Consortium and supported by a number of leading companies in the computer industry.

Gantt Chart

-A bar chart that shows individual parts of a project as bars against a horizontal time scale. Gantt charts are used as a project-planning tool for developing schedules. Most project-planning software can produce Gantt Chart.

Game Ports

-it is a socket which located at the back of a computer. A joystick can be used with various game to fly, drive or shoot objects.


The measure of how often a periodic event occurs, such as a signal going through a complete cycle. Frequency is usually measured in hertz (Hz), with 1 Hz equaling 1 occurrence (cycle) per second. In the United States, household electricity is alternating current with a frequency of 60 Hz. Frequency is also measured in kilohertz (KHz, or 1,000 Hz), megahertz (MHz, or 1,000 KHz), gigahertz (GHz, or 1,000 MHz), or terahertz (THz, or 1,000 GHz).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Star Network

A star network is one type of of network. All of the terminal in the network are connected to a special, more powerful computer at the centre. The terminals are not connected to each other. A star network is often used to allow a number of terminals to use the same printer.

Micro Film

Microfilm is a long strip film, used to record information. It is similar to microfiche except that the film in a long roll. Photographs of documents are recorded on the microfilm.

Object-Oriented Approach

Approach to developing software in which the programmer can package the data and the program (or procedure) into a single unit called an object. The procedures in the object, called methods or operations, contain activities that read or manipulate the data.

Office 2000

Office 2000 is a powerful suite of applications that can help you with almost any business or home project. Whether you need to write a letter, prepare a presentation, keep database records, calculate numbers, or publish a newsletter, there is a tool in office that's right for the job.
Office 2000 is a powerful suite of applications that can help you with almost any business or home project. Whether you need to write a letter, prepare a presentation, keep database records, calculate numbers, or publish a newsletter, there is a tool in office that's right for the job.

Friday, September 12, 2008

OverDrive CPU

Intel's trade name for its CPU upgrade chips. for the 468, there are 468 and Pentium OverDrives. Depending on the motherboard, the old chip is either replaced or the new one is installed in the upgrade socket, leaving the old chip intact or removing it. Pentium OverDrive chips install in the original socket.

Optical Mouse

A type of mouse that uses a pair of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a special reflective grid pad to detect motion. The two lights are of different colors,and the special mouse pad has a grid lines in the same colours, on colour for vertical lines and another for horizontal lines. Light detector paired with LEDs sense when a coloured light passes over a line of the same colour, indicating the direction of movements.